Project of «Studies and increase of young electors activity during the elections of the President of Ukraine», June-December, 2004

The purpose of the project was to increase the activity and knowledge of ЕРУ young electors of the northern region with the centers in Poltava, Cherkasy, Chernihiv during the Presidential elections in 2004. Young people from 18 to 30 became the participants of the project. The project was realized in three regions of Ukraine: Chernihiv, Cherkasy and Poltava regions. In the context of the project it was conducted a number of mobilizing and elucidative activities: informative meetings with the students in HEE, brain-ring, streets actions for distributions of informative materials. The results of the project were: trained and well-informed young people about the electoral legislation and the electoral process (nearly 30 thousands of чол.); more active participation of young people in voting in regions (Chernihiv, Cherkasy, Poltava); consultations and meetings with young people, who vote for the first time were conducted, etc. The following elucidative materials were designed and widespread by the team «YXXIC»: „Young elector’s guide”, informational bulletin „Your voice decides”, which encouraged young people to take part in the elections according to the legislation and to vote.

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