"Without policy anywhere … or the life without elections is impossible…"
In the first days of autumn, from first till tenth of September, the Department on affairs of family and youth of the Chernigov city council had been organized and lead «Camp of youth active» that passed in Snovjanka, the Chernigov region. Paticipents of this actions became active youth from city of Chernigov, and twin-cities: Gomel (Byelorussia) and Bryansk (Russia).
Every day has been filled by seminars, trainings, business role and sports, other actions. The mite the organization has brought in development and improvement учасников participants camp «Youth of XXI century ». The sixth day in «Camp of a youth active» was marked by elections of the city chapter. Representatives «М21» have borrowed directly in preparation of candicdates. Tetyana Gromova, executive director «М21» and Artem Shelkovyy, the head of a department on work with the publicity, have lead training on a nameen «Preparation of successful pre-election campaign», have consulted each of candicdates.
Struggle between young politicians has inflamed serious. At first sight, absolutely fair and transparent vote campaign has passed in information war between candicdates where has not done without application black PR on one of candicdates.
That candicdate who was interested in subtleties of political image most, mechanisms of construction of pre-election campaign has as a result won.