Project « Young people and the elections»,
May-July, 2001
The purpose of this project was to make a successful election campaign by exchanging the experience and developing the mechanisms of common work, during the elections in Byelorussia. Leaders and representatives of NGOs of Ukraine and Byelorussia became a target audience. Organization the Youth center "Hart" (Homel, Byelorussia) was the initiator of this project.
The team of «Y21» became a partner.
The series of meetings, seminars and trainings were organized and conducted, where Byelorussian and Ukrainian specialists shared their experience, worked over the examples of the successful election campaigns. PR-technologies which were used by two countries, disadvantages and advantages of the electoral systems, coalition work of the organization of different countries and other were discussed and analysed.
As the result, about 150 people took part in these actions. Informative materials were designed and widespread.